Present: Mari Emori, April Zilber, Emil Yanos, Iver Henning, Chris Johnson, Jan Schachter, Cheryl Costantini, Lee Middleman, Ren Lee, Trudy Chiddix, Julie Taber, Vicky Gunter, Susie Rubenstein, Barbara Prodaniuk, Joe Battiato, Sonja Hinrichsen (recorder)   Absent: Sally Jackson

Welcome (Mari)

Mari reported that on December 5th, ACGA hosted a lively evening presentation at the Palo Alto Art Center featuring officials from the 13th International Ceramics Festival in Mino, Japan ( This triennial festival includes a juried exhibition of ceramics from all over the world. Application is free and the deadline is January 31, 2024. Exhibition dates are October 18-November 17, 2024.

Treasurer’s Report (April)

As of the end of November, our net profit for the year is $11,413.32. Less than half of the budget estimate for membership dues has come in so far; April expects more income from renewals in December. We spent $75 using social media to promote the spring and fall juries.

Exhibitions Report (Iver, Jan)

Iver has been in conversation with MK Contemporary Gallery in Santa Cruz about the possibility of a two-month clay and glass show. The gallery has recently requested a substantial financial contribution from ACGA. The Board discussed the pros and cons of spending this money, and whether part or all of it might be recovered. Some on the Board felt that losing money is imprudent, and that we need more information to decide if this show would benefit our members. Others felt that we should pursue this exhibition as an opportunity to promote the ACGA and local clay and glass artists. All agreed that we need more information about who covers the costs of show-related things like publicity, promotion, etc. Changing from a two-month show to one month would save money. Iver will continue his conversation with the gallery with these points in mind.

Preliminary Budget and Communications Proposal (April)

The Board discussed a proposal to pay a higher monthly stipend to our newsletter editor, and an occasional honorarium for those authoring newsletter articles. We also discussed budgeting a stipend for whomever is posting on social media. Ren pointed out that these added costs would use most or all of our yearly profit, so that other expenses would have to pay for themselves some other way. Due to several undecided expense items (mostly related to Exhibitions and Communications), the Board decided to postpone voting on the budget until our next Board meeting in January.

 ACGA Board Nominations Update

As of this meeting there are two nominees for election to ACGA’s Board of Directors: Tamara Danoyan (clay) and Julie Taber (clay). Those eligible for re-election are Trudy Chiddix (clay), Cheryl Costantini (clay), Sally Jackson (clay), Chris Johnson (glass), Ren Lee (clay), Susie Rubenstein (clay), Jan Schachter (clay), April Zilber (glass), and Lee Middleman (clay). The ballot will be sent out in early January.

Longtime Board Member Joe Battiato is stepping down as his term ends. We extend our deep appreciation for Joe’s many contributions over the years, and wish him the best. Thank you, Joe, we’ll see you at the festival!

 Membership (Emil)

Our membership year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. The Board discussed how to handle membership fees paid as part of the March and October juries, or those paid at some other point during the year. The Board agreed that those paying in October should receive membership status through the following year. The Board also settled on a $20 refund to those joining in June or later.

A glitch in our website has made General Membership renewal unavailable on some browsers. Our website manager Pam Carpenter has tried unsuccessfully to fix this. Emil is thinking about asking members to send checks in the mail.

 Date of Next Meeting: Monday, January 8, 2024, 5:30 p.m. via Zoom