I extend my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible success of the 30th ACGA Clay and Glass Festival, held on July 15th and 16th. Your presence and unwavering support have helped to build our Festival into a Palo Alto tradition.

A special acknowledgment goes to our talented artists, 110 in total, including 18 new talents, whose limitless creativity illuminated the Festival and ignited inspiration in us all. To our treasured visitors and patrons, your purchases serve as a direct endorsement of our artists’ journey and our shared community; your support is cherished.

Each artist’s creation is a manifestation of their heart and soul, a unique piece that takes on its own life. Observing the connections formed between customers and these works is the pinnacle of my experience as an artist at the Festival. This distinct experience cannot be replicated elsewhere, like online sales or gallery representation. Many fellow artists at the Festival echoed the same sentiment.

This is a moment to extend gratitude to our esteemed partners: the city of Palo Alto and the Palo Alto Art Center. Your steady support spanning three decades has been the foundation on which this Festival thrives. Let’s also acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the Festival Committee, the Marketing Team, and our Producer, Messenger Events. Your tireless efforts behind the scenes have played a pivotal role in ensuring the Festival’s continuing success.

Congratulations are due to the winners of the inaugural “People’s Choice Award”: Ren Lee (clay-tied), Kevin Scheer (clay/new artist-tied), and Daniel Wooddell (glass/new artist). This unique program has enriched our Festival experience, and we thank everyone who voted and celebrated their exceptional talents.

As we reflect on this year’s Festival, we recognize that every event offers insights for growth. We have much to learn from this experience and are steadfast in our commitment to continuing to work on improvements. The thought of coming together again, surrounded by art and our wonderful community, really gets us excited. Until that moment comes around, please take care and continue to nurture your creative endeavors!

With genuine gratitude,

Mari Emori, ACGA Board President, and Board of Directors