A new communications model for reaching more of our audience, in a more timely way, has been launched after a year of research, development, and implementation. Members who want to share upcoming news, events, milestones, studio equipment for sale, shows, awards, and other craft-related items with our audience of fellow artists and collectors can now fill out a few lines on our website and get posted to our online calendar of events or our news page.

There are two forms:

one for getting on the calendar here:

and a different form for submitting a news item here

So, for instance, if you have an upcoming open studio event in MARCH 2023, you would put that on the calendar RIGHT AWAY so people who are planning ahead will know to save the date. You can also do a news post that adds further information regarding your event, such as other artists participating in your small event, or what kind of work will be featured. Always include your contact information and wherever possible include your social media handles so people can find more of your work and where to purchase. It is important that you write this as if you want someone to read it, check your spelling, and make it as easy to follow as possible.

Once you’ve submitted your post, it will be reviewed and posted to our calendar page or our news page, and will be included in our regular newsletter distribution to our members, collectors and friends, depending on the target audience you choose.

In addition, members who are active on Instagram who would like to be reposted on ACGA pages can tag @theacga on Instagram and those posts will be reposted in the days leading up to your event. To be reposted, your post should include information about where to find your work for sale online or in person, or interesting aspects of your process. We do not generally repost ‘check out this thing I just made’ posts, but we do like them. We cannot repost anything from accounts that are ‘private.’