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I have noticed that much of my sculpture has a particular personal energy: it feels quiet; there is a sense of stilled breath. Such moments of deep quiet are the focus in much of my work. I have been using subtle gestures, specifically hand positions of holding and grasping, to explore the relationship of the body to hidden, inner aspects of spirit and the world beyond physical. Some of the figures have become quite understated; they take on a quality I think of as shadow, or ghost.

The work is built from the bottom up, using flattened coils. By pushing from the inside out, I develop the overall form as I go, leaving working marks of joinery, fingers and hands visible on the surface. The pieces are fired from green ware to cone 4 in a single oxidation firing. I began "cold-finishing" the surfaces of my sculpture with acrylic paint some time ago, taking great pleasure in the immediacy and flow that this medium allows.

Beth is a founding member of sfclayworks, a collectively owned and managed clay studio in San Francisco, where she does her studio work. Since 1997, she has worked at her day (and night) job as a stagehand/artisan for the San Francisco Opera, and for the San Francisco Ballet since 2004.

She attended Rhode Island School of Design (BFA Sculpture).

Current Work
Work image 1
"Breath Tree"ceramic + acrylics
Work Image 4
"Arms Crossed (white shoulder)" ceramic + acrylics
Work image 2
"Breath Tree" (rear) ceramic + acrylics
Work Image 5
"Hive" ceramic + acrylics
Work image 3
"Entwined (bust + red)" ceramic + acrylics
Work Image 6
"Leaf" ceramic + acrylics
Websites and Social Media
Upcoming Events
General Info
265 Chenery Street
San Francsico
Studio Address
sf clayworks, 2240 Palou Avenue
San Francisco
United States
Phone Contact
Exhibit planning, set-up, staff and admin support, Volunteering time at Clay and Glass Festival