Monthly Archives: January 2023

Kathy Pallie’s ceramic art “White Caps” selected for exhibition

Kathy Pallie’s “White Caps” was selected for the “The Color of Water” exhibition at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts.  The ceramic vessel which is 17″H is not only the color of water, but it can also hold water.

Exhibition dates February 11 – March 26 with an opening reception Saturday, February 11 from 2 – 4 pm.

Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High Street, Sebastopol, CA

By |2023-01-29T08:54:21-08:00January 29th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on Kathy Pallie’s ceramic art “White Caps” selected for exhibition

Newsletter – January 2023, Volume 71, Issue 1

ACGA July - August Newsletter 2022

President’s Message

Cheryl Costantini - Board President ACGASince joining the board in 2017, my goal has been to make ACGA a more equitable, accessible and relevant organization that better serves the needs and offers more value to our varied membership. We started with community meet ups, then Covid hit and those morphed to zoom gatherings.We changed the membership structure removing hierarchical labels that left some feeling lesser than. We tried several online sales, which worked well for many. We had many excellent exhibitions and we participated in NECEA for the first time, which was a grand success.

Read more:
Posted by Cheryl Costantini, ACGA President

ACGA Exhibition News

ACGA Clay and Glass Festival Palo Alto July 15 & 16 2023

Save the Date!
Clay and Glass Festival at the Palo Alto Art Center
July  15th and 16th 2023

We’re looking forward to our summertime Festival – held on the grounds of the Palo Alto Art Center on July 15-16, 2023. Eligible member artists should keep an eye outfor an email in January with application information. Artists who haven’t yet juried for Festival eligibility can visit our jury webpage – the next jury will be held in Spring 2023.

Read More:
Posted by April Zilber, Festival Chair

New Festival Eligible Members - ACGA 2023

New Festival Eligible Members

Please Follow on Social Media!

Kevin Scheer * Website: * Instagram: @kevinscheerpottery
Loren Lukens * Website: * Instagram: @lorenlukens
Holly Coley * Website: * Instagram: @hollycoley
Pierre Bounaud * Website: * Instagram: @pbounaud
Cory Ballis * Website: * Instagram: @ballisglass
Marienne Chapman * Website: * Instagram: @curvyclayworks
Tamara Danoyan * Website: * Instagram: @tamaradanoyan

Posted by Chris Johnson, Jury Chairman



ACGA NewsA new communications model for reaching more of our audience, in a more timelyway, has been launched after a year of research, development, and implementation.Members who want to share upcoming news, events, milestones, studio equipmentfor sale, shows, awards, and other craft-related items with our audience of fellowartists and collectors can now fi ll out a few lines on our website and get posted to ouronline calendar of events or our news page.

Submission Process, Learn More:
Posted by Ren Lee


The California Arts Council maintains a webpage dedicated to resources for Californian artists who have been affected by recent natural disasters in our state. Page content is updated as new information becomes available. Individuals are advised to contact the listed organizations directly for the latest details and program assistance.

Read More:


Mari Emori Mari Emori ‘s sculpture titled “Barren” was chosen for the 2023 ICAN (InternationalCeramic Artists Network) Wall Calendar, ColorBurst Collection
Read More:
Posted by Mari Emori


Bev Zerbib Berda Bev Zerbib-Berda is pleased to announce two recent awards: a development grant by the Arts Council of Santa Cruz County and honorable mention in the 3rd Annual ICAN Holiday Cup Show.

Read More:
Posted by Bev Zerbib-Berda


Emil Yanos Gallery Route OneGallery Route One’s Annual Juried Show 2023
Emil Yanos’ piece “Rumble” was juried into Route One’s Annual Juried Show.

I work from both memory and photography.My work records what is real in our environment.My work also records what is perceived.The marks and textures in my work help to create sensations, real or perceived that I would want you the viewer to experience.I hope that my work will bring a sense of wonder and curiosity.The combination of familiar forms and textures will cause you to marvel at things you notice if you take the time to slow down and experience the world around you.

Rumble, by Emil Yanos
Ceramic Wall Sculpture


Have you ever applied to the Kings Mountain Art Fair? If not, do consider it – the deadline is Jan.31st. The fair is a three-day outdoor exhibition held annually during Labor Day Weekend, on Skyline Blvd. above the town of Woodside (near Palo Alto).

Read More:
Posted by April Zilber


ACGA supported Potters for Peace for many years at the Clay/Glass Festival with an information booth and Nicaraguan pottery for sale.

They were primarily focused on teaching communities in Nicaragua how to make ceramic water filters to produce clean, healthy drinking water. Now they have expanded their mission to include more countries, broadened their projects (adding hygiene and women’s economic self-sufficiency) and chosen a new name, Good Foundations International.

You can read more, and donate if you wish, at their new website:
Posted by April Zilber


Na LishaNa Lisha was an emeritus Professor, excellent sculptor, international recognized artist, good friend to many artists. A number of ACGA members met Na Lisha at a ceramics festival in Beijing or when she visited California in 2016.

She was Ceramic Professor in Sculpture Department Research Institute in Inner Mongolia Normal University. President of Inner Mongolia Ceramic Art Institute, Executive Director of Inner Mongolia Sculpture Institute, member of Chinese Sculpture Institute, Executive Director of Sculpture Art Council in Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute. Na Lisha passed way due to Covid complications.

Posted by Lee Middleman


ACGA Board Meeting Minutes
5:30 p.m., December 12, 2022 via Zoom
Date of Next Meeting: Monday, January 3, 2023
Hosted by Zoom All Members Welcome

ACGA Board Meeting Minutes
5:30 p.m., January 3, 2023 via Zoom
Next Meeting: All-Member Meeting (via Zoom)
10:00 a.m. – 12 noon, Saturday, January 28, 2023
Hosted by Zoom All Members Welcome


This space is envisioned for future listings of upcoming calendar events. Since we have only just launched the submission process in this mailing, we do not have any current events at this time. Please follow the submission process outlined herein.

Professional Kiln Repair Service
NorCal Kiln Repair- “Professional Bay Area repair service since 2006”
· evaluation & repair: ceramic & glass kilns (gas & electric)
· tutorials: operation, safety, maintenance, custom programming
· evaluation & repair: pottery wheels, pug mills, slab rollers
· ventilation repair & installation / studio safety & setup consultations
· new & used kiln recommendations / appraisals: buying & selling
· ceramics troubleshooting: clays, glaze, construction, firing, etc.
Joseph Kowalczyk (Ko-väl-chick)
kiln & ceramics specialist
510 601-5053 ·

Address changes and Membership Changes – Please send all address changes to the membership chair EmilYanos,
ACGA’s Website – Check out our website

The home page now features an ‘artist of the month.’ Populate your own page, and update often. To create and edit your profi  le page, go to the For Members menu, choose Member login, and follow the instructions to find and edit your profile.
Need a website password? Email Emil Yanos at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Follow and Like us on FaceBook (@ClayandGlass) and Instagram (@theACGA)
The ACGA News is sent through MailChimp. If your email bounces you or you have been unsubscribed, you can sign up again – contact Communications Lead Ren Lee at:

Join the ACGA social media group

Link to the Google group:

To email all members via the ACGA Google group you must be a member. Address your clay/glass-related message to:
There are two ways that you can engage in google groups without a gmail account:
1. Via email only
With a non-gmail email address you can still participate in all of the google group activities by replying to emailsand/or sending an email to to start a new thread. You do not have to create any google accounts to do this. If you’re seeing this email, then you’re in the group and can respond to emails like this one that will be sent to the entire group.

More details on how to create and respond to google group messages in the FAQ!
2. Make a google account
While it’s not necessary to have a google account to participate in the google group, you can create one with your non-gmail email address to get access to the google group site, which just aggregates the ACGA google group conversations in one place that’s easy to review and search.

Board of Directors – 2022
2022 Officers
President: Cheryl Costantini
Vice President: Mari Emori
Secretary: Sally Jackson
Treasurer: April Zilber
Bonita Cohn, Lee Middleman, Jan Schachter, Joe Battiato, Chelsea Fried, Emil Yanos,
Ian Bassett, Ren Lee, Chris Johnson and Susie Rubenstein

Committee Chairs
Communication – Ren Lee
Exhibitions – Jan Schachter
Festival – April Zilber
Historian – Cuong Ta
Int’l Ambassador – Barbara Brown
Membership – Emil Yanos

By |2023-01-14T19:58:17-08:00January 14th, 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on Newsletter – January 2023, Volume 71, Issue 1


ACGA Board Meeting Minutes
5:30 p.m., January 3, 2023 via Zoom

Present: Cheryl Costantini (President), Mari Emori (Vice-President), April Zilber (Treasurer), Sally Jackson (Secretary), Jan Schachter, Lee Middleman, Susie Rubenstein, Ren Lee, Emil Yanos, Joe Battiato, Trudy Chiddix

Welcome (Cheryl)
Congratulations to ACGA Board member Ian Bassett for the photo of his work that appears on the cover of the current issue of Ceramics Monthly magazine. Mari Emori, Chris Johnson, and Lee Middleman have also received awards and recognition for their work recently.

It is time to invite new members onto the ACGA board. Please nominate those who you think would be interested (including yourself).

Treasurer’s Report (April)
As of December 31, 2022, our total year-end assets were a robust $95,768. Both income and expenses were higher than expected in 2022, but we ended the year with a net income of almost $4000.

In reviewing the proposed 2023 budget, April noted that we are still behind in membership dues. Emil says that many members have had trouble renewing their membership using the website. This has been a very frustrating situation which Emil hopes to fix as soon as possible. We also discussed how we might decrease our storage unit expenses this year. We can possibly move to a cheaper unit, or consider dropping storage altogether. After discussion and small adjustments to the numbers, the board voted unanimously in favor of the proposed 2023 budget.

Communications Report (Cheryl, Ren, Susie)
Ren is generating the new version of ACGA’s newsletter that will go out on January 10th. She needs more content from board members, and encouraged us to submit items immediately. We have all received a template for submissions from Ren via email. Content might include notices about open studios, shows, accolades, awards, workshops, and other items of interest to our members. It is important that we get this ball rolling!

All-Member Meeting/Board Retreat (Cheryl)

The All-Member Meeting will take place via Zoom on Saturday, January 28, from 10-12 noon. We will generate an agenda and send out an announcement to the membership. A ballot for election and re-election of board members will go out this week.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Next Meeting: All-Member Meeting (via Zoom)

10:00 a.m. – 12 noon, Saturday, January 28, 2023
Hosted by Zoom All Members Welcome

By |2023-01-11T11:49:38-08:00January 11th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on ACGA BOARD MEETING – January 2023

ACGA BOARD MEETING – December 2022

ACGA Board Meeting Minutes
5:30 p.m., December 12, 2022 via Zoom

Present: Cheryl Costantini (President), Mari Emori (Vice-President), April Zilber (Treasurer), Sally Jackson (Secretary), Jan Schachter, Lee Middleman, Susie Rubenstein, Ren Lee, Emil Yanos, Ian Bassett, Joe Battiato, Bonita Cohn, Trudy Chiddix, Chris Johnson, Chelsea Fried Guests: Barbara Prodaniuk, Margaret Norman

Welcome (Cheryl)
Congratulations to ACGA Board member Ian Bassett for the photo of his work that appears on the cover of the current issue of Ceramics Monthly magazine. Mari Emori, Chris Johnson, and Lee Middleman have also received awards and recognition for their work recently.

It is time to invite new members onto the ACGA board. Please nominate those who you think would be interested (including yourself).

Treasurer’s Report (April)
As of November 30, our total assets are $84,797.62. Income will better match our 2022 Budget as the rest of our membership renewals come in. This will also balance the budget, which currently shows expenses greater than income.

Festival Report (April)
Annie Hermes at Messenger Events would like to know if we plan to restore festival activities that have been on hold because of the pandemic. These include Clay-for-All, the artists’ party in the Sculpture Garden on Saturday, and the Artists’ Showcase. Each of these involves additional expenses and extra volunteers. The board leans

toward keeping Clay-for-All and the Artists’ Party in some form, but eliminating the Artists’ Showcase. Early next year, after new board members are elected, April will refresh the Festival Committee to look at these options and make recommendations. You do not need to be a board member in order to serve on this committee.

Jury Report (Chris)
The October jury has admitted seven new artists to festival-eligible status. Chris proposed a jurying protocol that includes two meetings of the jurors, one immediately upon receipt of the entries, and a second after the jurors have had time to consider their judgments more carefully. He expressed appreciation for the jurors’ conscientious discussions and scrutiny of the entries. The next jury will be held in March 2023.

CONGRATULATIONS to these artists! We look forward to seeing you at the festival:

Kevin Scheer, Loren Lukens, Holly Coley, Pierre Bounaud, Cory Ballis, Marienne Chapman, and Tamara Danoyan.

Board Nominations (Cheryl, April)

Six of our incumbent board members are up for reelection. Three of them have agreed to appear on the next ballot: Emil Yanos, Joe Battiato, and Mari Emori. The deadline for nominating others for the board is December 19th. We would like to acknowledge the service of all our board members, particularly the three whose terms are ending: Ian Bassett, Bonita Cohn, and Chelsea Fried. All of them have made great contributions to ACGA. THANK YOU!!

Membership (Emil)

Despite best-laid plans, the renewal notice did not go out quite as planned. Emil has had some emails from members who are confused by the renewal process. He hopes to have all glitches fixed for next year. In particular, we need all renewals to have an end-date of December 31 in any given year. That way we know exactly who’s eligible for the festival.

Communications (Ren)

Ren acknowledged the hard work of Chelsea Fried, Susie Rubenstein, and Cheryl Costantini in launching the new Communications Committee. Communications is now “live” and needs members to submit content. All members received an email this week with the appropriate link. Our news email address <> will be assigned to Ren so that she can send and receive information.

All-Member Meeting/Board Retreat (Cheryl)

At our next board meeting, we will finalize a date and a venue for the 2023 All-Members Meeting. Cheryl will look for a location where we could have a hybrid in-person/online meeting with the right audio/video technology (e.g., a public library).

The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday, January 3, 2023
Hosted by Zoom All Members Welcome

By |2023-01-11T11:50:46-08:00January 11th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on ACGA BOARD MEETING – December 2022


Mari Emori‘s sculpture titled “Barren” was chosen for the 2023 ICAN (International Ceramic Artists Network) Wall Calendar, Color Burst Collection. 21/13/12 in., coil-built stoneware, fired to cone 6 in reduction, 2021. You can purchase the calendar online here. ICAN (formerly Potters Council) was formed to create a community of potters and ceramic artists from around the world. The editorial staff from Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated have made their selections.

By |2023-01-11T11:11:48-08:00January 9th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on ICAN CALENDAR 2023 WINNER


I am please to announce two recent awards. A development grant by the Arts Council of Santa Cruz County for new corelite kiln shelves. These shelves will be used in firing the gas kiln used by four ceramic artists at the Tannery Arts Center studio 120.
I have also been awarded honorable mention in the 3rd Annual ICAN Holiday Cup Show.

By |2023-01-11T16:43:40-08:00January 9th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on GRANT AND HONORABLE MENTION AWARDS


Have you ever applied to the Kings Mountain Art Fair? If not, do consider it – the deadline is Jan. 31st. The fair is a three-day outdoor exhibition held annually during Labor Day Weekend, on Skyline Blvd. above the town of Woodside (near Palo Alto).

Here’s a link with much more information about the event and the application process. High quality images are a must! Allow yourself plenty of time.

If applying, be aware that this can be a physically challenging event – setting up on hillsides can be tricky, or you could get very hot out on the flat parking lot. In spite of these challenges, this is a very well supported event. KMAF has a long history of excellence and its purpose is to raise funds for the local volunteer fire department.

By |2023-01-11T11:13:17-08:00January 9th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on KINGS MOUNTAIN ART FAIR SEEKING NEW ARTISTS


ACGA supported Potters for Peace for many years. They were primarily focused on teaching communities in Nicaragua how to make ceramic water filters to produce clean, healthy drinking water. Now they have expanded their mission to include more countries, broadened their projects (adding hygiene and women’s economic self-sufficiency) and chosen a new name, Good Foundations International. You can read more, and donate if you wish, at their new website:

By |2023-01-11T11:13:55-08:00January 9th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on POTTERS FOR PEACE HAS A NEW NAME AND EXPANDED MISSION


Seen & Imagined Gallery Route One’s Annual Juried Show 2023

Juror: Jeremy P. H. Morgan, Faculty member, Lucid Art Foundation, Visiting Professor, Shanghai Academy and the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou

Exhibition Dates: Saturday, Feb. 18 – Sat. March 18, 2023
Reception and Awards: Saturday, Feb 18, 3-5 pm
Route One Gallery: 11101 Highway One, Ste. 1101, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956

My piece “Rumble” was juried into Route One’s Annual Juried Show.

I work from both memory and photography.My work records what is real in our environment.My work also records what is perceived.The marks and textures in my work help to create sensations, real or perceived that I would want you the viewer to experience.I hope that my work will bring a sense of wonder and curiosity.The combination of familiar forms and textures will cause you to marvel at things you notice if you take the time to slow down and experience the world around you.

Ceramic Wall Sculpture
7.25″ h x 14.25″ w x 1.375″ d
Stoneware, Underglazes fired to cone 5

By |2023-01-11T11:14:08-08:00January 5th, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on SEEN & IMAGINED

IN MEMORIUM Remembering a Classic Inner Mongolian Ceramic Artist – Na LIsha

Na Lisha was an emeritus Professor, excellent sculptor, international recognized artist, good friend to many artists.  A number of ACGA members met Na Lisha at a ceramics festival in Beijing or when she visited California in 2016.

She was Ceramic Professor in Sculpture Department Research Institute in Inner Mongolia Normal University.  President of Inner Mongolia Ceramic Art Institute, Executive Director of Inner Mongolia Sculpture Institute, member of Chinese Sculpture Institute, Executive Director of Sculpture Art Council in Chinese Arts and Crafts Institute.

Na Lisha passed way due to Covid complications.

By |2023-01-11T11:14:58-08:00January 3rd, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on IN MEMORIUM Remembering a Classic Inner Mongolian Ceramic Artist – Na LIsha



A new communications model for reaching more of our audience, in a more timely way, has been launched after a year of research, development, and implementation. Members who want to share upcoming news, events, milestones, studio equipment for sale, shows, awards, and other craft-related items with our audience of fellow artists and collectors can now fill out a few lines on our website and get posted to our online calendar of events or our news page.

There are two forms:

one for getting on the calendar here:

and a different form for submitting a news item here

So, for instance, if you have an upcoming open studio event in MARCH 2023, you would put that on the calendar RIGHT AWAY so people who are planning ahead will know to save the date. You can also do a news post that adds further information regarding your event, such as other artists participating in your small event, or what kind of work will be featured. Always include your contact information and wherever possible include your social media handles so people can find more of your work and where to purchase. It is important that you write this as if you want someone to read it, check your spelling, and make it as easy to follow as possible.

Once you’ve submitted your post, it will be reviewed and posted to our calendar page or our news page, and will be included in our regular newsletter distribution to our members, collectors and friends, depending on the target audience you choose.

In addition, members who are active on Instagram who would like to be reposted on ACGA pages can tag @theacga on Instagram and those posts will be reposted in the days leading up to your event. To be reposted, your post should include information about where to find your work for sale online or in person, or interesting aspects of your process. We do not generally repost ‘check out this thing I just made’ posts, but we do like them. We cannot repost anything from accounts that are ‘private.’

By |2024-06-17T14:53:08-07:00January 2nd, 2023|ACGA News|Comments Off on HOW TO SUBMIT EVENTS AND NEWS
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